Starbase Updates | February 2024
What's Happening at Starbase Texas in February 2024?
This page is a summary of the major highlights at Starbase Texas over the month of February in 2024. All updates are sourced from publicly available posts from the user /u/threelonmusketeers who updates the Starship Dev Threads on Lemmy and Reddit.
February 29th, 2024
- Booster transport stand leaves launch area
- S28 is disconnected from lifting jig, and rolls over to chopsticks. Flaps are unchained and deployed. Crews arrive at the pad, chopsticks are inspected (alternate angle), and rise into position.
- Starfactory progress continues. (additional closeups)
- Another B14 section arrives outside Megabay 1.
- Two SPMTs roll from launch pad to build site, one enters Highbay, and another receives counterweights. Road space at the launch site is cleared. S29 peeks out of the Highbay.
- Ryan Hansen speculates on the design of the flame diverter at Massey's.
February 28th, 2024
- B10 is loaded onto transport stand, rolls out to launch pad (RGV Aerial closeup), chopsticks close in (NSF hug shot), and B10 is lifted onto the OLM (NSF angle). Raptors are wearing protection.
- Black LR 11000 crane swings towards S28, picks up the ship lifting jig, sub-orbital pad cleared of non-essential personnel, S28 is hooked up, and lifted onto ship transport stand.
- Can't quite tell what this is a closeup of, but it looks cool. Booster QD?
- The three gray torpedo tanks are shuttled from D2 to D4 (tank 1, tank 2, tank 3), and lifted into place by the Yellow GMK 7550 crane.
- Cryo deliveries continue.
- B14 stacking continues, and another section is spotted.
- Temporary road delay scheduled for Feb 29th from 11:00 to 13:00 or 19:00 to 21:00.
February 27th, 2024
- Feb 27th and 28th road closures canceled. Temporary road delay scheduled for Feb 28th from 05:00 to 08:00.
- SPMTs deliver counterweights to the launch site overnight, and head towards S28.
- Workers secure S28 forward flaps.
- Ship transport stand positioned to receive S28, and counterweights are loaded onto GMK 7550 crane.
- Chopstick ship pin tested. Extension and retraction.
- Booster transport stand hesitantly approaches Megabay 1 and enters.
- Starfactory progress continues. Starbase Surfer closeup and alternate angle.
- RGV Aerial glamour shot of Rocket Garden.
- Texas Parks and Wildlife out at the launch area, likely cleaning up debris.
- Booster engine compartment dividers spotted on their way to Starbase. The dividers are corrugated core sandwich panels.
- The two horizontal cryo tanks coming from Florida are now on their way. Additional cryo tanks coming from overseas. Arriving ~Mar 5th and 4th.
February 26th, 2024
- S28 testing: NSF livestream, pad cleared, orbital and suborbital tank farms venting, more venting, S28 frost line (LabPadre, NSF), tower venting (LabPadre, NSF), S28 engine chill, spin prime (NSF), and depress vent.
- Ship lifting jig moves around build site overnight.
- Multiple OLM clamp retraction tests performed: First test was during the night, and the second test was in the afternoon, followed quickly by a third, fourth, fifth, and sixth test.
- More shielding added to base of launch tower.
Two large horizontal cryo tanks spotted in Florida, destined for Starbase.
IFT-2 updates from SpaceX:
- Booster failure: “several engines began shutting down before one engine failed energetically, quickly cascading to a rapid unscheduled disassembly”
- Cause: “most likely root cause for the booster RUD was determined to be filter blockage where liquid oxygen is supplied to the engines, leading to a loss of inlet pressure in engine oxidizer turbopumps”
- Zack Golden and Ryan Hansen speculate that blockage could have been slosh baffles which broke free during the period of negative acceleration. Ringwatchers relevant article.
- Fix: “implemented hardware changes inside future booster oxidizer tanks to improve propellant filtration capabilities and refined operations to increase reliability”
- Ship failure: “A leak in the aft section of the spacecraft that developed when the liquid oxygen vent was initiated resulted in a combustion event and subsequent fires that led to a loss of communication between the spacecraft’s flight computers. This resulted in a commanded shut down of all six engines prior to completion of the ascent burn, followed by the Autonomous Flight Safety System detecting a mission rule violation and activating the flight termination system”
- Fix: “implemented hardware changes on upcoming Starship vehicles to improve leak reduction, fire protection, and refined operations associated with the propellant vent to increase reliability. The previously planned move from a hydraulic steering system for the vehicle’s Raptor engines to an entirely electric system also removes potential sources of flammability”
FAA mishap investigation has been closed. SpaceX must complete corrective actions, of which there are 17.
February 25th, 2024
- GSE tanks: Overnight, Another small tank is added to the old vertical OTF, and a third torpedo tank arrives at the launch site. Additional GSE tank shuffling.
- S29 is placed on transport stand, disconnects from lifting jig, rolls out and moves to Highbay.
- Build site: Megabay cladding removal continues, and Starfactory is progressing well. Work platform lifted up inside Megabay 2.
- Load spreader going up at Massey's.
- Tower segments 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 have been unloaded at Brownsville Port. Segments 4 and 5 last reported to be at Roberts Road. Segment 8 under construction at Starbase.
- Starkitty sighted :)
- Road closure still scheduled for Feb 26th.
February 24th, 2024
- S28 receives decals overnight. S28 disconnects from lifting jig during the day. (LabPadre closeup) S28 opens her flaps. (StarshipGazer closeup.)
- Newly added small OTF tank moves back and forth a bit, but ultimately stays where it is.
- Three rusty tanks visible in RGV Aerial flyover, and another rusty tanks arrives and is moved to the OTF.
- Two non-rusty tanks arrive.
- Build site: No notable change to tower section. Starfactory progressing quickly. Possible new location for ring yard.
- S29 disconnects from lifting jig in Megabay 2.
- RGV Aerial OLM flyover photo.
- "Tower, his arms wide"
February 23rd, 2024
- New possible road closures posted for Feb 26th, 27th, and 28th.
- Chopsticks wide open today. Top ship pin arm is removed, cut, and reattached with a slight offset. Possibly an attempt to fix an angular mismatch that occurs between bottom of ship and top of booster. Pin testing.
- Build site: Tower section close up. Some cladding is removed from Megabay 2, and Starfactory progress continues. Tweet 1, tweet 2. Alternate angle shots from cnunezimages. Tweet 3, tweet 4.
- Empty tank moves from near deluge system to empty slot in old vertical OTF.
February 22nd, 2024
- Feb 22nd and 23rd road closures revoked.
- S28 stays on the suborbital pad throughout the day: Tweet 1, tweet 2, tweet 3, tweet 4. Possible raptor igniter test and other work.
- Ship transport stand leaves launch complex, then returns. Ship lifting jig stand leaves mid-afternoon.
- Gravel relocation at gate D2: Tweet 1, tweet 2.
- Chopsticks are tested.
- Launch tower section and Starfactory coming along nicely.
- Mystery structure spotted at Sanchez.
- Second launch pad at Starbase will be where the suborbital pad is now. Tweet 1, tweet 2, PDF 1, PDF 2.
- SpaceX seeks a waiver to launch Starship “at least” nine times this year
February 21st, 2024
- A stabilizer pin on chopsticks is removed. New pin mounting bracket is installed. Looks like the replacement pin will be in a slightly different location than the old pin: Tweet 1, tweet 2, tweet 3, tweet 4, tweet 5.
- Cutting/welding on SQD. (close-up)
- S28 still connected to the black LR 11000.
- Road closures still possible for Feb 22nd and 23rd.
February 20th, 2024
- Feb 20th road closure revoked. New possible closures for Feb 22nd and 23rd.
- B10 rolls back from launch site to Megabay 1.
- FTS explosives arrive at launch site. Possible detonators or other related equipment arrives.
- New vapourisers moved temporarily.
- New old water tank arrives at Massey's, likely for a static fire water deluge system.
- Interesting Ryan Hansen renders of Massey's flame trench: Tweet 1, tweet 2, tweet 3, tweet 4, tweet 5, tweet 6, tweet 7.
- IFT-3 NET second week of March (Elon time). Chance of reaching orbit is almost 80%. Flight 4 hardware is almost ready.
February 19th, 2024
- S28 moves to the suborbital site, is attached to the 2-point lift jig, and lifted onto the suborbital pad.
- B10 removed from OLM. Timelapse and 2nd angle.
- Four launch tower sections arrive in Brownsville port. Starship Gazer close-up and closer-up
- GMK 7550, counterweights, and new vapourisers arrive at the launch site. Vapourisers lifted into place.
- Two cryo tanks arrive at the OTF, and lifted to vertical orientation.
February 18th, 2024
- Coyote sighted. Starkitty sighted.
- Minimal Starfactory progress.
- Nice aerial photo of S28/B10.
- Tanker deliveries to OTF.
- SQD retracts work platform extends, workers disconnect the lines near SQD plate, and work platform retracts.
- Crews spotted at the ship lift jig, which is now connected to the black LR11000.
- S28 destacked from B10.
- Feb 20th road delay still scheduled and road closure still possible.
February 17th, 2024
- Not much action, but some Starfactory progress status.
February 16th, 2024
- Pad cleared (transcript), Feb 16th road closure scheduled, and another WDR attempt (NSF livestream).
- Ship 28 and booster 10 both got a bit frosty, but full WDR was ultimately aborted. (timelapse)
- Feb 20th road delay scheduled and road closure possible.
- Launch tower segments on their way to Starbase. ETA Feb 20th.
- SpaceX to build a Starship launch complex at SLC-37 in Florida. Currently use is for Delta IV Heavy, which is retiring.
February 15th, 2024
- Many cryo tankers overnight, one obscured by birb.
- Feb 15th road closure revoked. No closure listed for Feb 16th, but possible (but unlikely due to holiday) closure listed for Feb 20th.
- Lift up near B10 hot stage ring for much of the day.
- 'Murica! 'Murica!
- SQD push-pull test.
February 14th, 2024
- FireX is tested prior to WDR attempt.
- SpaceX attempts a Wet Dress Rehearsal of B10 and S28. (NSF livestream)
- Launch tower venting, everything venting, a small amount of propellant is loaded (ship frosty), but frost line doesn't rise.
- Detank, Feb 14th road closure is concluded, and a road closure is scheduled for Feb 15th. (Raph is AWOL)
- Though the WDR is aborted, a deluge test and a fire suppression test is conducted.
- LOX is delivered to the launch site.
February 13th, 2024
- Feb 13th road closure is revoked. Feb 14th closure scheduled. Feb 15th, 16th, and 20th have been added as possible road closure dates.
- S28 is restacked on B10. Alternate angle timelapse, and pretty pictures from Mary, Starship Gazer, Sean, and Starship Gazer.
- Vicki goes AFK.
- SpaceX more or less confirms WDR is up next. Here's to a Valentine's Day WDR!
February 12th, 2024
- Feb 12th road closure revoked. Feb 13th and 14th still possible.
- S28 is destacked from B10, and press plate reinstalled. Crews work on HSR clamps.
- S28 "hop" announcement mid-afternoon, stabilization pins engage, press plate is removed, NSF goes live, but no stack occurs.
- Starfactory progress: Row of columns is being extended in the other direction now.
- Launch in ~3 weeks (Elon time).
- Side-by-side comparison of stacking B4/S20, B7/S24, B9/25, and B10/S28.
- Starship V3 will be 10 to 15 meters longer.
February 11th, 2024
- S28 stacked on B10 overnight, and SQD connected. NSF livestream, Starship Gazer upskirt shot, and Nic Ansuini sunrise shot.
- Starfactory: No major progress since yesterday, but the frame and roof are nearing completion.
- Possible road closure still listed for Feb 12th 08:00 to 20:00.
February 10th, 2024
- S28 moves from build site to launch site overnight. Chopsticks hug S28 (Starship Gazer photo). GMK 7550 moves into position for press plate removal.
- Workers spotted on SQD.
- Ship lifting jig moves out of Highbay.
- Starfactory progress: More beams, more roof.
February 9th, 2024
- B10 lifted onto launch mount overnight. BQD connected. Glamour shots from Starship Gazer and Cosmic Perspective
- New weld marks spotted on B10 aft section, possibly indicative of additional slosh baffles.
- B14 aft section #2 spotted.
- New work platform spotted in Megabay 2.
- Launch tower section assembly coming along nicely, with a first layer of crossbeams laid.
- Starfactory progress: Entire row of columns is complete, more beams and roof parts added.
- Road delay posted for Feb 10th 00:00 to 03:00 with backup 08:00 to 10:00.
- Starship to reach the moon in less than 5 years
February 8th, 2024
- Road delays posted for Feb 8th 15:00 to 18:00 and Feb 9th 00:00 to 03:00.
- B10 rolls out to launch pad during the Feb 8th road delay. NSF stream. LabPadre timelapse.
- B10 is positioned between the chopsticks for a potential lift tonight.
- Launch tower section assembly resumes.
- Starfactory progress: Quite a few more beams!
- Four launch tower segments depart KSC by barge, complete with a Valentine's decoration.
- Three cryo tanks delivered to the Cape. SpaceX VP of launch confirms they are to enable consecutive prop load attempts on Falcon Heavy at 39A, not for Starship. (Though I wonder if they wouldn't repurpose the tanks for Starship eventually...)
- SpaceX submits updated site plans for western site of Roberts Road facilities.
- NASA releases WB-57 tracking plane footage with some sections redacted. NSF edits the available files together.
- Road closures posted for Feb 12th through 14th. Launch or wet dress rehearsal?
February 7th, 2024
- Clamp retraction test is performed on the OLM. Nice closeup shot of OLM from Stargazer.
- 9th horizontal cryo tank arrives at launch site, and after widening the D2 entrance, is slotted into position alongside its siblings. Stargazer photos of tank and farm. NSF also captured some video of delivery and tank closeup.
- Starfactory progress: Several more columns and beams added.
- Black LR11000 raises its boom for the first time since undergoing maintenance.
- New Ringwatchers diagram! Text summary of changes.
- Four tower segments are secured on barge. Barge has not left port yet.
- FAA currently waiting on SpaceX to submit necessary information for launch license modification.
February 6th, 2024
- LOX pump replaced overnight.
- Cones still in place despite no scheduled road closures or delays.
- Barge arrives in Brownsville with the 9th (and possibly final) horizontal cryo tank for the OTF. Another cryo tank delivery likely scheduled for the end of February, so it is unclear where that tank would go.
- Long SPMT moves to launch site, presumably in anticipation of the 9th cryo tank.
- OLIT segment 9 column section arrives at Sanchez.
- Starfactory progress: A more excavation and a few beams added.
- Workers observed at the top of Megabay 2.
- Coyotes spotted. Hope Starkitty is safely out of the way.
- 4th tower section is loaded onto barge. (timelapse of 4th section, timelapse of all 4 sections)
February 5th, 2024
- Booster transport stand moved from Rocket Garden to Ring Yard (video), possibly for B10 transport. Transport stand then moves to Megabay 1, but then leaves empty shortly after.
- Not much Starfactory progress.
- LOX pump delivered to launch site, unboxed, and an existing LOX motor and pump are removed.
- Barge arrives at the KSC turn basin.
- Barge lowers, and the first of potentially four launch tower sections is loaded (timelapse). Hold-down chains tensioned, the SPMT is removed, and the 2nd and 3rd sections are loaded.
Interesting thread regarding distribution of segments for the top of the 3rd (2nd at Starbase) launch tower. Seems like the top 3 will all be two-thirds height, as opposed to the full-height, two-thirds, one-third segments on the 1st tower.
February 4th, 2024
- Pretty quiet Sunday.
- S28 gains a raptor engine.
- Production site: Cones set up for potential transport to or from Sanchez or Rocket Garden, but no road closures scheduled. A few more beams have been added to Starfactory since yesterday.
- New hardware spotted at Sanchez site. Likely a production jig or transport stand for hotstage rings.
- Marmac 2860 barge (79 m x 30.5 m) inbound for KSC turn basin.
February 3rd, 2024
- B13 fully stacked. No grid fins yet.
- Starfactory progress: Pre-dawn to early afternoon. Difficult to spot any differences.
- Starkitty sighted :)
- The four launch tower sections await transport via barge. Tiedown chains were added.
February 2nd, 2024
- S28: An R-vac was removed.
- SpaceX posts stunning pictures of B10 through B13 in Megabay 1. B11 has engines and shielding. B13 partially stacked.
- More sections added to Megabay 1 door. Hope SpaceX continues to post regular pictures.
- Starfactory progress: Columns and beams continue to be added at a steady pace.
- Signs of roofing work on the potential bathroom at the launch site.
- A total of four launch tower sections are now at the KSC turning basin.
- Updated summary of tower sections by Alexphysics13.
February 1st, 2024
- Black LR 11000 crane is reassembled to the point where the yellow GMK 7550 crane is no longer needed at the launch site.
- Tower section assembly: A column is lifted to vertical, then lowered back down. Stargazer covered the very exciting lowering in a livestream.
- Starfactory progress continues: More beams installed, some excavation and concrete work done.
- More cryo tanks destined for Brownsville.
- Loading more tower sections onto a barge in the KSC turning basin for presumed transport to Starbase.
- Summary of tower sections by Alexphysics13.